Friday, June 15, 2012

Just show up. I show up. Keep showing up. #tdl

Oh, how amazingly crazy these past few days have been. Since Sunday evening I have spent the majority of my time with my sick son, who has had diarrhea and vomiting intermittently through out the day and night. It hasn't stopped me though.

Yesterday, I decided to put clean sheets on my bed after he had a fairly good day, yet even though I was ready for him to be done, he wasn't. needless to say, they're pukey again!

Today's post was inspired by Mastin Kipp, a blogger I chose to follow about 3 months ago from the advice of a friend. Some days, I choose to ignore the emails and others, like today, i choose to read them. there is always some higher power forcing me to open up those feisty little rants, but i am usually very happy after hearing what he has to say.

Today's topic was showing up for your dreams, so that you can live them and get what you want out of them. This hits close to come, as i am only about a 1/4 of the way done with my summer courses, and I was beginning to think of all of the excuses and reasons why I can't take my test on Sunday. Well, my dream is to finish these courses with the best GPA possible, and to do that, I need to show up for them, daily. Even if it is 30 minutes of studying at a time, just do it, Mastin would say.

I hope, if he were ever to read this blog, he wouldn't think I was weird for writing about him. Honestly, i don't care, but some people are touchy that way. honestly why did i even write that...he wouldn't care!

So, here I am. Blogging. Haha, you might say, she isn't studying, but I am taking the time to show up for another dream of mine, and that is to blog once per day, to get my juices flowing. This is something I can choose the topic on, and whether it is spiritual, nutritional, fitness inspired or something to dote on about my son, I get to spend a few minutes writing about it.

Good luck showing up for your dreams today, and make the minutes count.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A different kind of fruit: love.

When I think of a garden, I not only imagine nature and it's bountiful offerings, but also the gifts that the garden of the world has given us.

Virtues, morals, values. Those things in the fairy tales that allow people to live happily ever after....!! I am speaking here today about my appreciation for lovoe, understanding and serenity; I am able to think more nobally and wise in my quest to greatness necause of thee.

Oh Mastin, you never fail to speak to me, especially if I am in my weakest hour. "It's only a mistake if you don't learn from it," was his quote on twitter about an hour ago, and after talking with someone and not enjoying the talk, I needed that inward confirmation: I am truly choosing the right path. My spirituality is truly stong in it's beliefs.

There is one thing important to me in this world, and that is love.
Love of: my body, mind,  spirit,  being,  wellness,  soul....the whole self.

Only then can I love others, which most importantly is my son.

The feeling of love then brings us happiness, and a good well being. This is a cycle. We will understand when the cycle is continual, but for now  just work on making the right choices for yourself and then everything will fall into place.

I am thankful for the love that is present in my life. Although it may take sometime to understand that the meaning behind something is love, when I do, it's much more special. Those are the moments we must focus on and remember when perseverence is necessary.

Live. Love. Life. This is necessary.


Monday, March 19, 2012

The beginnings of my Organic & Natural Wellness Garden

Hello Lovelies,

Yesterday I began my seedlings for my organic and natural wellness garden.
The purpose of this garden is to promote natural healing, natural nutrition and overall environmentally friendly. I am very disheartened when I go to the store and have to spend GOBS of my hard earned cash on produce that is less than par. I want to have my own supply or organically fresh, natural produce and herbs so supply my family, friends, and consumer needs.

To begin this journey of making a garden, I began a board on pinterest and I have just loaded it up on "how to" info for planting seeds, transplanting to outdoors, composting and garden bed making. These pieces of info have given me the knowledge to start a few little things before the summer is underway.

According to my guide for Zone 5A (midwest Indiana farming zone), most seedlings should be started indoors between March 1 and May 1. I have started with the plants that require longer germination time and those are:
  • broccoli
  • thyme
  • carrots
  • radishes
  • green onion
  • lettuce
  • green beans
  • spinach
  • marigolds
A few of the above seedlings are in pots made from  biodegradable matter and will easily be transferred to soil after just tearing apart each small pot.

For the lettuce, spinach, green beans, radishes, green onion and marigold, I ran out of the other pots so i began to use regular plastic planters with naturally organic top soil.

I planted two seeds per hole, covered them with soil and watered them generously. I covered the biodegradable pots with a plastic covering to aid in keeping moisture, as you do NOT want these seeds to dry out.

I have approximately 15 other types of seeds that I plan on germinating this weekend, which I will update when that happens. I am thinking of using a paper towel and a big tray to do this so that they will germinate faster, allowing easier prep and finally easier transplanting because often both seeds will germinate and then the roots and shoots will become entangled. It's always hard to know how many seeds to put.

So, as for now, I am just waiting for those little green shoots to sprout. I will water them as needed to keep soil moist (probably daily, yet I checked the lettuce and spinach today and they were still damp but the other biodegradable pots were almost dry.